P.O.W.E.R.S. WOMEN'S Network

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December 1, 2007

Our 13th Annual Toy Drive

6 p.m. - Midnight

 An Evening of Jazz  Celebrating our City Officials





  • Music by Hollywood Legend Eddie Walker and Friends.

  • Performance by the US Postal Volunteer Choir, Special Surprise  Artist’s,

  • Music, Food  and Dancing

  • Have a good Time, while  putting a smile on the face of a child during the holiday season.

Location: Vintage Hollywood

4000 W. Washington Blvd.   Los Angeles, CA

(between Crenshaw and Arlington ) Make a right on 10th Avenue. 

Admission: Bring a Toy ( unwrapped)    $ 20.00+ value 

Attire:  Dress to Impress

The following organizations would like to thank you for your support and work in our

community. So we invite you, to this Exclusive Event where you are the Guest of Honor.

Hosted By:

Ø      POWERS Women's Network

Ø      Our Commitment Inc.

Ø      Pets’ for Kids

Ø      National Alliance of African American Athletes.

RSVP: powers9@ix.netcom.com  Or 323-731-9300

Need More Information call us at: Phone: 323-804-2617 or Fax: 323-443-3545