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P.O.W.E.R.S. Award Honorary Committee Participation


Participation Confirmation


To:  Program Director

Fax:  323-443-3545

Email: powers9@ix.netocm.com



From: __________________________________

Honorary Committee Member


RE:  15th Annual P.O.W.E.R.S., Awards

          Honorary Committee Acceptance & Confirmation


_______________________________________, accepts your invitation to serve as an Honorary Committee member for the 15th Annual P.O.W.E.R.S. Award.

 By accepting this invitation, I understand and give my permission as a Honorary Committee member for you to place my name on your letterhead and to include my name in your event souvenir journal.


Included on this form are t address, phone, fax and email where I can be reached most directly.  My bio and/or resume is included with this form.  I will send you a photograph under a separate cover if necessary.


Signed: _________________________________________________________________


For:  ______________________________________________ (if signed by a representative)




City/State:__________________________________________ Zip Code:________________


Phone:____________________________________  Fax:_____________________________

