P.O.W.E.R.S. WOMEN'S Network

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P.O.W.E.R.S. Women's Network was founded on the basis of mentoring and helping to build a better future for our kids, shouldn’t this start from birth.

Our mission is to implement a bill for newborns to have at least mom or dad at home with them for the first year. Won’t you help in this crusade to start from the beginning to give our children the RIGHT START! The reason why it is important to have this bill passed is because the facts are career women don’t look to have children because they don’t want to lose their job security and status. Most women want to be with their newborn for at least the first two years. Unless you are in one of the following categories; rich or on welfare, you would not have that problem. So, only if you are a working parent would you have this dilemma in choosing between a career and a family. For instance Child Care cost as much for a newborn than most women make on their job, so in fact you are actually working to pay for someone else to raise your child in the those first important years. Instead of doing what new parents should be doing and that’s to give your child the right start.


I __________________________ ( Your Name )


City______________________ State_________ Zip Code _____________

Phone Number ______(      ) ________________

Support P.O.W.E.R.S. Women's Network “NEWBORNS RIGHT START”  and want my elected officials to create a law allowing mom or dad to at home with their new born child for the first year and retain the right to go back to their job.



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